Making Things Easy for My Family Deluxe Edition
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Legacy 9.0 Deluxe Edition Features
The most comprehensive and like shooting fish in a barrel-to-use family history software yous can buy for Windows is now even better. You're sure to be excited past all the new features!
Legacy Family Tree is one of the best genealogy programs on the market today. This program is the cost-constructive solution for anyone looking for an excellent records management and reporting program. Legacy 9.0 Deluxe Edition offers all these features and more:
Don't y'all feel information technology'due south time to unlock the real power of Legacy?
Legacy ix.0 adds 10 new Deluxe Edition simply features which brings the full to 108 advanced features not found in the Standard Edition. This makes the Deluxe Edition a real powerhouse.
Features Found But in Legacy ix.0 Deluxe Edition
Legacy Family unit Tree 9.0 Deluxe Edition adds the following features that the Standard Edition does not have. Click on the appropriate links to read the details about each new feature:
1. Hinting -Legacy nine sifts through billions of records from the fundamental websites � FindMyPast, FamilySearch, GenealogyBank, and MyHeritage � for new information, pictures, and stories of your ancestors. As you add to your tree, Legacy 9 begins the search � automatically! Notation: For a express fourth dimension, Hinting will also be available in the Free Standard Edition.
two. Reports and Charts -See trends in your ancestors� medical history with the new Cause of Decease charts. Aggrandize your genetic genealogy tools with the new X-Dna color schemes. Get everyone involved at your next reunion or family gathering with Family Tree BINGO � play with cards of your ancestors, descendants, or a mixture. You can besides now see your tree at a glance in the Family Dictionary.
3. Searching - One-click access to your ancestor�s Notice A Grave memorial. Create a list of people in your tree with or without Detect A Grave IDs.
4. Stories - Preserve the stories of your ancestors or stories of your own. The new Stories tool lets you record, organize and print multiple stories for any of your ancestors.
five. Hashtags - Create unlimited hashtags to describe your ancestors. Then search for or print a report of everyone who shares that hashtag. You�re no longer limited to 9 tags. Call them anything you want � #civilwar #DNAtested #farmer #ProvenAncestor #BrownHair
half dozen. Compare 2 People - Researching ii same-named individuals? Having difficulty differentiating 2 John Smiths in the aforementioned place? The new Chronology Comparison written report puts them side-by-side, color codes their similarities and differences, and helps y'all decide if they could be the same person.
7. Color Coding - Legacy�s popular color-coding system has been expanded. Now bask the ancestor color coding in both the Alphabetize View and Name Listing, making it unproblematic to know what office of your tree you lot are looking at.
8. Media Sorting - Media is at present auto-sorted by date.
9. View all nine tags - You tin now view all nine tags in the Name List.
Other corking Deluxe features that go along from earlier versions...
i. Potential Problems List - The list of all the problems found are at present presented in a grid list that is retained from session to session (until rebuilt by the user). From the list you lot tin can edit the afflicted individuals and correct the problem or exclude information technology from future checking.
2. Wall Charts - Experience the enjoyment of showing off your family tree by producing stunning total-color wall charts - ancestor, descendant, fan, hourglass, bow tie, and even DNA charts. Use them for your next family reunion or for a deserving wall in your dwelling house.
3. SourceWriter - Cite your sources hands and correctly with the new SourceWriter. SourceWriter makes information technology simple for you to select the correct input screen so that you enter all the pieces needed to correctly cite any source of data in the thousands of formats that exist for them. The data you lot enter is correctly and precisely formatted to match the genealogy industry standards for source citations when printing footnotes, endnotes, and bibliographies. Multiple citations for an effect can be combined into one paragraph, thus avoiding a long string of superscripted numbers inside the written report body.
four. Interview Reports - Cull from over 1,200 advisedly pre-written interview questions and memory triggers to help you capture your family�s memories before it is too late.
5. Guided Setup Wizard - Getting started with Legacy is fifty-fifty easier at present. The new guided setup wizard takes you past the hand and guides you through the setup process in an easy-to-sympathize style.
6. New Relationship Figurer - Run into how any two people are connected, not only through direct blood relationships but also by marriage. A person might be the "great-grandfather of the wife of your second groovy-grandnephew. You can also specify how many of these not-blood relationships you want to see.
7. More Powerful Searching - Searching your Legacy information is easier than ever before. Yous can at present search for individuals that are missing parts of names, nascency or death information, union information and much more. Yous can besides search for missing source citations equally you lot document your family unit files.
8. Now Attach Whatsoever Document to Individuals and Marriages - Along with attaching pictures, sounds, and video to individuals, events, locations, and sources, you can now as well attach any other kind of document (PDFs, Discussion files, etc.).
ix. Enhanced Backups - Legacy can now backup your family unit file and multimedia files at the same time, making it easier to transfer everything to another computer.
x. Edit Records from the "Used By" Lists - All of the chief lists in Legacy accept an pick to view the individuals who utilize the items in the listing. Yous can now edit those individuals right from the list instead of having to exit the list and edit them separately.
11. Standardization Tips - New alerts volition appear if something questionable has been entered in the Individual's Data screen. This helps users go along their data standardized. The Standardization Tips comply with Getting it Correct.
12. Privacy - enhanced privacy options ensure that only the information you desire to share volition be visible to others.
13. Best Fit Child Columns - The new Best Fit pick in the Family View expands or contracts the child list columns to fit the number of children for the current couple. No more than trying to guess the optimum number of child columns. Legacy does it for y'all.
14. Inquiry Guidance - Legacy�s Enquiry Guidance helps y'all locate records that may comprise information about your ancestors. It does this in four steps: 1. Legacy helps you review the ancestor�due south timeline, to be certain that you've already recorded everything y'all know nigh the antecedent. 2. Legacy suggests preliminary survey sources to aid you larn if the enquiry is already in progress by another researcher. 3. After selecting your goals, Legacy provides a listing of prioritized suggestions to help you accomplish them. 4. Finally, Legacy organizes the sources into a To-Do List.
fifteen. Publishing Center - This new feature lets you select 1 or more than reports and combine them into 1 large book report. All the information from the various reports are indexed and sourced together and a main Table of Contents is as well generated. You lot can also add a Title page, Preface page, Dedication page, Copyright Notice page, Introduction Department, and Abbreviations folio to the beginning of the book. 16. Forms Middle - New forms will be added on a continuing basis. These new forms will probably be available online in various packets for those who want to download them. 17. Legacy Home - The new Legacy Abode tab on the main screen of Legacy brings you important information almost your family file and likewise gives you a global view into the world of genealogy. It includes Legacy News, To-Practise particular reminders, altogether and ceremony reminders, general reminders, statistics most your family unit file, links to update Legacy, technical support links and much more. The born browser lets you view Net content without always leaving Legacy. 18. Timelines - This feature lets you select timeline files containing events from certain localities, and add them to the Chronology report every bit background information to show what was happening during a person'south life. Timeline files can exist created and edited past the user. 19. Potential Bug List - The list of all the issues found are at present presented in a grid list that is retained from session to session (until rebuilt by the user). From the listing you tin can edit the affected individuals and right the problem or exclude it from hereafter checking.
20. Global US County Verification - This new feature checks your entire family file to verify that the U.s. counties you have used were in existence for the time periods y'all are using them for. 21. DNA - Legacy now lets you record Dna marker test results from several different companies. 22. Location Prepositions - On the Add/Edit Location screen (reached from the Master Location List), there is a field for the location preposition. This defaults to "in" but can be changed to other prepositions like virtually, effectually, outside, northwest, etc. These prepositions are then used when building report sentences. 23. Sources - You can now connect source citations to:
This individual never married (individual screen)
This couple didn't ally
This couple didn't accept children24. Book Reports - Complete control of spacing between all sections of the reports. There is a Custom Report Spacing button on the Folio Layout tab of the various book reports. This opens a screen assuasive you to specify the blank line space above all the various report sections. 25. Book Reports - The Location Index can now be printed with a different number of columns than the Proper name Index. 26. Note Fields - There is now a Strip HTML button that lets you remove whatsoever embedded HTML codes that ended up in the notes because of a Copy/Paste from a web page (for case). 27. Annotation Fields - There are at present Font styles buttons allowing you to bold, underline, italicize, and superscript parts of the notes. The changes show in the notes instead of just showing printer codes as in the past. 28. Potential Problems - Check for sort order of children, Cheque for children born < 9 months. 29. Soundex Code lookup from the Soundex Estimator - (Tools > Soundex Calculator). When a Soundex code has been generated, you can click the Search Name List button to create a list of all the surnames in your family file with the aforementioned Soundex lawmaking. thirty. RTF Embedded Pictures - When reports are generated to an RTF file, in that location is an option to embed the movie links in the file. This then automatically displays the pictures in the written report when the file is loaded into MS Discussion or other word processors. The Standard edition only shows the picture paths in the document. The choice is assail the Other tab of the Options > Customize screen. 31. Location Study - You tin now include the birth and death date data for each person on the report. You tin also take the Age of the person shown for each event when the locations were used. 32. Questionnaire - Output to screen/printer or text file. 33. Customize - Correct-click any box title to reset the default values for the options within that box. This is washed on the various tabs of the Options > Customize screen. 34. Conditional Event Sentences - There is a new IF-And so-ELSE command that can exist used in event sentences to command the output meliorate. 35. Pictures - There is now support for multiple-page TIF files (a TIF file containing more than one picture).
36. Geo Location Database - A collection of nearly three one thousand thousand electric current locations worldwide divided into six regions:
PA - Pacific Islands
U.s.a. - United states of america
AF - Africa
AM - Americas (non-United states)
Every bit - Asia
European union - Europe
37. Each location includes the proper name of the metropolis, the county or province, the state, if any, and the state proper noun. Along with this information the latitude and longitude coordinates are also included. Searching tin be done by any field(s). A Radius search is included to find cities within a specified radius (in miles or kilometers) of a location.
38. Descendant View Tab - This new view shows a descendant chart of the current person. Whatever person can be edited by highlighting them and clicking the Edit button. If the screen is non wide enough to evidence the entire line of information for a person, highlighting the person displays all their info at the bottom, along with the human relationship of that person to the summit person in the listing. Double-clicking on a person puts him/her at the top of the list and the chart is regenerated. Columns are user-selectable and savable. 39. US County Verifier - When you go out a location field, Legacy checks the validity of canton names for locations in the United States (if the Verify United states of america Counties in Place Names option is turned on in the Customize section). An error is reported if:
No county by that proper name was ever plant in that land. (This could be too exist the event of a misspelling.)
The county was not in existence in this state at the date specified.
The County had been dissolved in this state before the appointment specified.
When an error is reported, you can choose to view a listing of all the counties in that state to come across when they were founded and their term of existence.
40. Child-Parent Relationships - The link betwixt a child and his/her father and female parent tin at present be specified and sourced. The existing Child Status field, which used to cover both the kid status and the relationship betwixt child and parents, at present only refers to the condition, such as Twin, Triplet, Stillborn, etc. The new Parent Relationship fields are used to record how the child is associated with each parent, such as Biological, Adopted, Guardian, Sealed, Step, besides as a place to record Challenged and Disproved relationships. These new fields are displayed on the Children List window every bit well equally the Parents List window. 41. Multiple Lines of Descent Written report - At that place is a new book report style chosen Multiple Lines of Descent. This is similar to a Register-style descendant narrative book merely you tin can select ii or more ends of lines to include in the report. When the written report is generated, the first line is printed as a normal Descendant report would be. And so the next line is started on the next page, and if it intersects with the first line, a bulletin is printed indicating where to look in the first line for the remainder of the descendant line.
42. Reports in Different Languages - Many reports in Legacy 9.0 can now be generated in several languages including German, French, Castilian, Norwegian, and Dutch. Additional languages are beingness added. You can now send reports to your friends and relatives in other countries that they tin really understand!
43. Calendar Creator - Create your own calendars, complete with pictures, birthdays, and anniversaries. There are options to include a encompass film (front and back), picture pages above each calendar month, and complete command over color, layout, shadows, fonts, page size, etc. Create complete yearly calendars suitable for gifts. 44. File ID Numbers Written report - A new report lists all the filing numbers used in a family file and shows where they have been used. Options permit you filter the report to specific areas if desired. 45. Proper noun List Reports with Multiple Lines per Record - You can now pattern your list reports with upwardly to iii rows of fields per record, thus greatly increasing the amount of information for each person.
46. Master Location Cleanup - Hands combine, sort, and clean up your locations from the Master Location List. 47. Master Location Maintenance - You can at present Aggrandize and Contract state names, Canadian provinces, several other country breakdowns, and country names in your Master Location Listing. This can be done for all locations, tagged or untagged locations, or verified or unverified locations. At that place is also an option to add together or remove "United states of america" from USA locations. This can exist practical to either the Long or Short location names. 48. Save Your Identify in Principal Lists - New "Set Bookmark" and "Get To Bookmark" options have been added to all main lists. This lets you salve your place from one session to some other - helpful, for example, while working through the Main Location list, cleaning upwardly the entries. These new options are reached by clicking the Options button on any master list window.
49. Private Individuals - Whatsoever individual in the family file tin now be marked as Private. All reports at present accept the pick to include or exclude these private persons. If cousin Harry tells you lot to go on his dearly departed wife's information off your web site and out of your reports, you lot can now easily do so. 50. Private Event Definitions - You lot can at present mark whatever Main Issue Definition as Private so that they tin be excluded from reports and web pages.
51. Effect Definitions - Added a checkbox to exclude an event name from the Potential Bug study. Things like Obituaries and Probate customarily happen subsequently a person decease. These event types tin now be excluded from checking. 52. Note Fields - Added Ctrl-F to all notation fields for searching. F3 then searches for the next occurrence.
53. File ID Numbers - A new option lets you easily detect the next available file reference number in whatever format you have been using. 54. Family/Pedigree Views - Hover Data - Belongings the cursor over the Spouses icon shows the names of all the spouses in the popup tooltips. Hovering over the Parents icon shows the names of all the parents. Hovering over the AKA icon shows all the alternating names for that person. 55. Entering Information - A new feature at present remembers the last x locations that y'all have used. You can and then pop them up on whatever Location field and copy them in with ane click. You simply right-click on the "in" label in front of a location field on the Information, Event, and Matrimony forms to get the list. The x almost recently added locations are recorded with the most recent at the summit of the listing. Older locations sink down the list and fall off the bottom as new locations are added. They are too saved between sessions. This feature is very helpful when entering recurring locations that don't "sort to the top" for the auto-fill feature. 56. Legacy 9.0 likewise now remembers the last x dates entered. Yous can then pop them up on any Date field by right-clicking on the label to the left of the field. The Date feature works the same as the location feature in a higher place. 57. Family View - Who is marked as Living? A new feature colors the Husband and Wife labels as well as the child numbers if they are marked as Living. (This is assault the Information Format tab in the Customize screen. You lot can turn the option on and off and also select the colour to use.) 58. Events - A new Event Clipboard lets you memorize and play back events saving you lots of time. Sources, pictures, and addresses connected with the effect are also saved to the clipboard. Run into Add or Edit an Upshot.
59. Marriage Screen - You lot can now specify your own words for "Spouse" and "Marriage" for each couple. If the couple wasn�t married then you might use words like Partner and Partnership. These words are and so used on all the reports in the appropriate places. (Beta testers, please let u.s. know if you observe any reports where the replacement words are not existence used.) threescore. Picture Family unit Tree Chart - The options to impress 1, 2, and 4 generations has been added. If press one generation, you can move the flick higher, lower, left, or correct. 61. Proper noun List Report - Y'all tin build iii separate custom lines per record now. This gives you lot much more flexibility when laying out the information y'all want to include on the study. At that place is also a new option to print the report to comma-delimited (CSV) format. 62. Timeline Reports - You can at present color code the boxes. 63. Descendant Charts - In that location is a new numbering choice, d'Aboville.
64. Chronology View - There are at present options to include the death effect of Parents, Spouses, and Children. 65. Index View and Proper name Listing - Straight line individuals are bolded.
66. Web Folio Creation - There is now an choice to employ a solid background color instead of white or a patterned graphic. 67. Marriage Listing - Y'all tin now click on the Options button on the lesser of the Marriage List and from the popup menu select to change the sort social club from "Sort by Surname, Given Proper name" to "Sort past Given Proper noun, Surname". 68. Desktop Wallpaper - You tin now select whatsoever picture within Legacy and have it practical as the groundwork of your figurer desktop. 69. Effect Sentences - Whenever you lot save a set of Event Sentence Definitions, they are "memorized." When defining a subsequent set of definition, you lot can click on a sentence label to repeat the last "memorized" sentence. Right-clicking on a characterization offers to echo the entire set of eight definitions. This is useful if yous want to employ an existing set of definitions as a template when adding a new user-divers outcome.
seventy. Alternate Names in the Name List - Alternating proper name spellings (AKA�southward) tin can now be included in the Name List. Now you can encounter all the names a person was known by. 71. User ID# in the Proper noun List - You can now show your own file numbering system sorted in the Name Listing. 72. Master Location List - You can at present sort all your locations without including any leading prepositions, such every bit "of," "near," "at," "from," "close to," "off," etc. Now all the "of Bergen, NJ"s will sort with the "Bergen, NJ"due south. This new option is on the Sort Location List screen. 73. Event Report - Legacy has a great new report�a report showing individuals and the selected events related to them. 74. User Divers Internet search URLs - Now y'all can add together your own favorite Internet search sites right into Legacy and search for anyone in your file with the click of a push button. Salvage groups of your hard-found search sites for quick retrieval. 75. New Chronology View and Report - Quickly encounter a person and all the events surround his/her life, including vitals, events, notes, children, marriages, matrimony events, marriage notes. Different types of events tin can be colour coded for easy identification. You tin also produce a dainty printed written report containing a built-in timeline of a person�due south life events. 76. New Alphabetize View - The Index View displays all the individuals in your family file. The data displayed includes the record number (RIN), full name, sexual practice, and the nascency and death date and place. The columns can exist customized to brandish many different pieces of information. 77. Global Spell Checking - You can now have Legacy run through your entire family file and cheque the spelling on whatsoever notation type field. You can even stop and resume at will. 78. Distance and Bearing Figurer - You can at present employ those strange latitude and longitude values for something useful. This new calculator volition tell yous the distance in miles (or kilometers) between any two points on earth. Information technology will also tell you which management to travel. You tin also convert decimal begetting values to the needed degrees, minutes and seconds. It fifty-fifty ties into the Main Location List where you tin select any two cities (with lat. and long. values) and quickly figure out how far they are apart and in which management. 79. Ancestor Coloring Choice - Ancestor and Descendant type reports and many screens tin can at present show colors associated with one of the four grandparents lines. In that location is too an option to color males and females differently on reports. 80. ToDo Clipboard - Y'all can now memorize ToDo items for quick playback on other individuals. Oft an item applies to more than than one person. The new clipboard feature saves you a lot of typing... 81. Quick Re-create to Source Clipboard - Now, while looking at the Assigned Sources screen, y'all can quickly copy one or more source citations right to the Source Clipboard. This lets you lot continue the citation of an existing source faster than ever. 82. Advanced Set Living - You can now have Legacy intelligently run through your family file and ready the Living tag to NO for all the individuals that are certainly long-since departed. Past analyzing surrounding information and watching the generation numbers, Legacy volition prepare the proper value for all those ancestors without whatsoever birth or death dates. 83. Location, Source Commendation and Principal Source Verification Tags - Y'all can now mark chief locations and master sources with a Verified tag to indicate that you have checked them equally being valid. For example, you may have a city listed under ii different counties in your Primary Location List and verified that they are both correct according to the timeframe they were each used. Marking them equally "Verified" will remind you not to combine them into i location in the futurity. 84. Event Sentences - Each event type at present has its own sentence construction that is used when displaying the event data in reports. Of course, y'all can change the sentences around to whatever manner y'all want them. 85. More Tags - We take added six more tag numbers for a total of nine. This lets you create many more groups of individuals and marriages. 86. New Motion-picture show Centre - In the past you had to go to an individual or spousal relationship and then assign each picture one-at-a-fourth dimension, selecting the location and filename each time. Now, with the new Picture Center, you lot tin view a list of your pictures and a list of individuals side-by-side and brand assignments with the click of a button. Y'all can even assign a picture to more than one person at a time. Just highlight all the people you want to link a film to and click Assign. Information technology was never easier or faster to add pictures to your family members. 87. Move Not-Sources from Master Source Listing to Notes - Merely truthful source information belongs in the Master Source Listing. Oftentimes, when you lot receive information from other people, you find sources containing things that really belong in the Notes fields. This helpful feature automatically moves non-source entries into the notes for the individuals they belong to. 88. Move Non-Locations from Chief Location List to Notes - Trying to keep your Main Location List cleaned upward is a total-time chore. When you import information from other people, the location fields oftentimes incorporate information that does not vest there. Ofttimes, this information is valuable and worth keeping. Using this handy feature, you can rapidly move the information from the Location Listing to the Notes fields where information technology belongs. 89. Produce PDF files from previewed reports. These tin can be sent by e-mail and read in the free Acrobat Reader from Adobe. They retain all the formatting, lines and color of the original report so the recipient tin view the reports in all their celebrity! xc. Compare Two Files for Duplicates allows yous to meet if there are individuals or lines in another file that yous might want to import. How oftentimes have you lot wondered if you were related to someone in some other person�south family file? Now you tin quickly meet if your lines overlap. You will find more relatives than ever earlier. 91. The new Advanced Sourcing features lets you assign sources to a group of individuals or marriages at ane fourth dimension. You can select the fields you want the sources to be applied to. This is an like shooting fish in a barrel way to go dorsum and certificate groups of records that came from the same source. 92. Many reports can now include a Location Index showing what pages each location is used. Because the alphabetize groups the locations together, y'all can easily run into all the family unit members that lived in the same places. 93. A new Relationship Estimator lets you come across every manner whatsoever two people are related. See if you lot married one of your cousins. Run into how many ways yous are related to your 5th not bad grandfather. People are often related in many ways to another person. Now you can run across them all! 94. The new Relationship Charts ties into the Human relationship Calculator and allows you to produce wonderful charts in color with pictures and fancy boxes to impress all who see them. 95. When doing Merges you tin can specify whatsoever pair of individuals as being Not Duplicates. Often times yous may have felt like you lot were wearing out the Skip To Next push button as you lot came upon pairs of individuals you knew were not duplicates but had similar names and information. At present yous can mark these pairs as Non Duplicates so they don't continually show up in subsequent merge sessions. 96. You can now Renumber RINs and MRINs. Yous can renumber specific individuals or marriages too as groups of records. If you e'er wanted to be #1 in your file, now information technology�s easy to exercise. 97. You can now Reuse Deleted RINs and MRINs when adding new records and importing. No more leaving empty holes within your family file when deleting or merging people. 98. You lot can select the color of boxes on Ancestor, Descendant and Pedigree Charts. This really makes the charts more bonny when printed on a color printer.
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36. Geo Location Database - A collection of nearly three one thousand thousand electric current locations worldwide divided into six regions:
PA - Pacific Islands
U.s.a. - United states of america
AF - Africa
AM - Americas (non-United states)
Every bit - Asia
European union - Europe
37. Each location includes the proper name of the metropolis, the county or province, the state, if any, and the state proper noun. Along with this information the latitude and longitude coordinates are also included. Searching tin be done by any field(s). A Radius search is included to find cities within a specified radius (in miles or kilometers) of a location.
38. Descendant View Tab - This new view shows a descendant chart of the current person. Whatever person can be edited by highlighting them and clicking the Edit button. If the screen is non wide enough to evidence the entire line of information for a person, highlighting the person displays all their info at the bottom, along with the human relationship of that person to the summit person in the listing. Double-clicking on a person puts him/her at the top of the list and the chart is regenerated. Columns are user-selectable and savable. 39. US County Verifier - When you go out a location field, Legacy checks the validity of canton names for locations in the United States (if the Verify United states of america Counties in Place Names option is turned on in the Customize section). An error is reported if:
No county by that proper name was ever plant in that land. (This could be too exist the event of a misspelling.)
The county was not in existence in this state at the date specified.
The County had been dissolved in this state before the appointment specified.
When an error is reported, you can choose to view a listing of all the counties in that state to come across when they were founded and their term of existence.
40. Child-Parent Relationships - The link betwixt a child and his/her father and female parent tin at present be specified and sourced. The existing Child Status field, which used to cover both the kid status and the relationship betwixt child and parents, at present only refers to the condition, such as Twin, Triplet, Stillborn, etc. The new Parent Relationship fields are used to record how the child is associated with each parent, such as Biological, Adopted, Guardian, Sealed, Step, besides as a place to record Challenged and Disproved relationships. These new fields are displayed on the Children List window every bit well equally the Parents List window. 41. Multiple Lines of Descent Written report - At that place is a new book report style chosen Multiple Lines of Descent. This is similar to a Register-style descendant narrative book merely you tin can select ii or more ends of lines to include in the report. When the written report is generated, the first line is printed as a normal Descendant report would be. And so the next line is started on the next page, and if it intersects with the first line, a bulletin is printed indicating where to look in the first line for the remainder of the descendant line.
42. Reports in Different Languages - Many reports in Legacy 9.0 can now be generated in several languages including German, French, Castilian, Norwegian, and Dutch. Additional languages are beingness added. You can now send reports to your friends and relatives in other countries that they tin really understand!
43. Calendar Creator - Create your own calendars, complete with pictures, birthdays, and anniversaries. There are options to include a encompass film (front and back), picture pages above each calendar month, and complete command over color, layout, shadows, fonts, page size, etc. Create complete yearly calendars suitable for gifts. 44. File ID Numbers Written report - A new report lists all the filing numbers used in a family file and shows where they have been used. Options permit you filter the report to specific areas if desired. 45. Proper noun List Reports with Multiple Lines per Record - You can now pattern your list reports with upwardly to iii rows of fields per record, thus greatly increasing the amount of information for each person.
46. Master Location Cleanup - Hands combine, sort, and clean up your locations from the Master Location List. 47. Master Location Maintenance - You can at present Aggrandize and Contract state names, Canadian provinces, several other country breakdowns, and country names in your Master Location Listing. This can be done for all locations, tagged or untagged locations, or verified or unverified locations. At that place is also an option to add together or remove "United states of america" from USA locations. This can exist practical to either the Long or Short location names. 48. Save Your Identify in Principal Lists - New "Set Bookmark" and "Get To Bookmark" options have been added to all main lists. This lets you salve your place from one session to some other - helpful, for example, while working through the Main Location list, cleaning upwardly the entries. These new options are reached by clicking the Options button on any master list window.
49. Private Individuals - Whatsoever individual in the family file tin now be marked as Private. All reports at present accept the pick to include or exclude these private persons. If cousin Harry tells you lot to go on his dearly departed wife's information off your web site and out of your reports, you lot can now easily do so. 50. Private Event Definitions - You lot can at present mark whatever Main Issue Definition as Private so that they tin be excluded from reports and web pages.
51. Effect Definitions - Added a checkbox to exclude an event name from the Potential Bug study. Things like Obituaries and Probate customarily happen subsequently a person decease. These event types tin now be excluded from checking. 52. Note Fields - Added Ctrl-F to all notation fields for searching. F3 then searches for the next occurrence.
53. File ID Numbers - A new option lets you easily detect the next available file reference number in whatever format you have been using. 54. Family/Pedigree Views - Hover Data - Belongings the cursor over the Spouses icon shows the names of all the spouses in the popup tooltips. Hovering over the Parents icon shows the names of all the parents. Hovering over the AKA icon shows all the alternating names for that person. 55. Entering Information - A new feature at present remembers the last x locations that y'all have used. You can and then pop them up on whatever Location field and copy them in with ane click. You simply right-click on the "in" label in front of a location field on the Information, Event, and Matrimony forms to get the list. The x almost recently added locations are recorded with the most recent at the summit of the listing. Older locations sink down the list and fall off the bottom as new locations are added. They are too saved between sessions. This feature is very helpful when entering recurring locations that don't "sort to the top" for the auto-fill feature. 56. Legacy 9.0 likewise now remembers the last x dates entered. Yous can then pop them up on any Date field by right-clicking on the label to the left of the field. The Date feature works the same as the location feature in a higher place. 57. Family View - Who is marked as Living? A new feature colors the Husband and Wife labels as well as the child numbers if they are marked as Living. (This is assault the Information Format tab in the Customize screen. You lot can turn the option on and off and also select the colour to use.) 58. Events - A new Event Clipboard lets you memorize and play back events saving you lots of time. Sources, pictures, and addresses connected with the effect are also saved to the clipboard. Run into Add or Edit an Upshot.
59. Marriage Screen - You lot can now specify your own words for "Spouse" and "Marriage" for each couple. If the couple wasn�t married then you might use words like Partner and Partnership. These words are and so used on all the reports in the appropriate places. (Beta testers, please let u.s. know if you observe any reports where the replacement words are not existence used.) threescore. Picture Family unit Tree Chart - The options to impress 1, 2, and 4 generations has been added. If press one generation, you can move the flick higher, lower, left, or correct. 61. Proper noun List Report - Y'all tin build iii separate custom lines per record now. This gives you lot much more flexibility when laying out the information y'all want to include on the study. At that place is also a new option to print the report to comma-delimited (CSV) format. 62. Timeline Reports - You can at present color code the boxes. 63. Descendant Charts - In that location is a new numbering choice, d'Aboville.
64. Chronology View - There are at present options to include the death effect of Parents, Spouses, and Children. 65. Index View and Proper name Listing - Straight line individuals are bolded.
66. Web Folio Creation - There is now an choice to employ a solid background color instead of white or a patterned graphic. 67. Marriage Listing - Y'all tin now click on the Options button on the lesser of the Marriage List and from the popup menu select to change the sort social club from "Sort by Surname, Given Proper name" to "Sort past Given Proper noun, Surname". 68. Desktop Wallpaper - You tin now select whatsoever picture within Legacy and have it practical as the groundwork of your figurer desktop. 69. Effect Sentences - Whenever you lot save a set of Event Sentence Definitions, they are "memorized." When defining a subsequent set of definition, you lot can click on a sentence label to repeat the last "memorized" sentence. Right-clicking on a characterization offers to echo the entire set of eight definitions. This is useful if yous want to employ an existing set of definitions as a template when adding a new user-divers outcome.
seventy. Alternate Names in the Name List - Alternating proper name spellings (AKA�southward) tin can now be included in the Name List. Now you can encounter all the names a person was known by. 71. User ID# in the Proper noun List - You can now show your own file numbering system sorted in the Name Listing. 72. Master Location List - You can at present sort all your locations without including any leading prepositions, such every bit "of," "near," "at," "from," "close to," "off," etc. Now all the "of Bergen, NJ"s will sort with the "Bergen, NJ"due south. This new option is on the Sort Location List screen. 73. Event Report - Legacy has a great new report�a report showing individuals and the selected events related to them. 74. User Divers Internet search URLs - Now y'all can add together your own favorite Internet search sites right into Legacy and search for anyone in your file with the click of a push button. Salvage groups of your hard-found search sites for quick retrieval. 75. New Chronology View and Report - Quickly encounter a person and all the events surround his/her life, including vitals, events, notes, children, marriages, matrimony events, marriage notes. Different types of events tin can be colour coded for easy identification. You tin also produce a dainty printed written report containing a built-in timeline of a person�due south life events. 76. New Alphabetize View - The Index View displays all the individuals in your family file. The data displayed includes the record number (RIN), full name, sexual practice, and the nascency and death date and place. The columns can exist customized to brandish many different pieces of information. 77. Global Spell Checking - You can now have Legacy run through your entire family file and cheque the spelling on whatsoever notation type field. You can even stop and resume at will. 78. Distance and Bearing Figurer - You can at present employ those strange latitude and longitude values for something useful. This new calculator volition tell yous the distance in miles (or kilometers) between any two points on earth. Information technology will also tell you which management to travel. You tin also convert decimal begetting values to the needed degrees, minutes and seconds. It fifty-fifty ties into the Main Location List where you tin select any two cities (with lat. and long. values) and quickly figure out how far they are apart and in which management. 79. Ancestor Coloring Choice - Ancestor and Descendant type reports and many screens tin can at present show colors associated with one of the four grandparents lines. In that location is too an option to color males and females differently on reports. 80. ToDo Clipboard - Y'all can now memorize ToDo items for quick playback on other individuals. Oft an item applies to more than than one person. The new clipboard feature saves you a lot of typing... 81. Quick Re-create to Source Clipboard - Now, while looking at the Assigned Sources screen, y'all can quickly copy one or more source citations right to the Source Clipboard. This lets you lot continue the citation of an existing source faster than ever. 82. Advanced Set Living - You can now have Legacy intelligently run through your family file and ready the Living tag to NO for all the individuals that are certainly long-since departed. Past analyzing surrounding information and watching the generation numbers, Legacy volition prepare the proper value for all those ancestors without whatsoever birth or death dates. 83. Location, Source Commendation and Principal Source Verification Tags - Y'all can now mark chief locations and master sources with a Verified tag to indicate that you have checked them equally being valid. For example, you may have a city listed under ii different counties in your Primary Location List and verified that they are both correct according to the timeframe they were each used. Marking them equally "Verified" will remind you not to combine them into i location in the futurity. 84. Event Sentences - Each event type at present has its own sentence construction that is used when displaying the event data in reports. Of course, y'all can change the sentences around to whatever manner y'all want them. 85. More Tags - We take added six more tag numbers for a total of nine. This lets you create many more groups of individuals and marriages. 86. New Motion-picture show Centre - In the past you had to go to an individual or spousal relationship and then assign each picture one-at-a-fourth dimension, selecting the location and filename each time. Now, with the new Picture Center, you lot tin view a list of your pictures and a list of individuals side-by-side and brand assignments with the click of a button. Y'all can even assign a picture to more than one person at a time. Just highlight all the people you want to link a film to and click Assign. Information technology was never easier or faster to add pictures to your family members. 87. Move Not-Sources from Master Source Listing to Notes - Merely truthful source information belongs in the Master Source Listing. Oftentimes, when you lot receive information from other people, you find sources containing things that really belong in the Notes fields. This helpful feature automatically moves non-source entries into the notes for the individuals they belong to. 88. Move Non-Locations from Chief Location List to Notes - Trying to keep your Main Location List cleaned upward is a total-time chore. When you import information from other people, the location fields oftentimes incorporate information that does not vest there. Ofttimes, this information is valuable and worth keeping. Using this handy feature, you can rapidly move the information from the Location Listing to the Notes fields where information technology belongs. 89. Produce PDF files from previewed reports. These tin can be sent by e-mail and read in the free Acrobat Reader from Adobe. They retain all the formatting, lines and color of the original report so the recipient tin view the reports in all their celebrity! xc. Compare Two Files for Duplicates allows yous to meet if there are individuals or lines in another file that yous might want to import. How oftentimes have you lot wondered if you were related to someone in some other person�south family file? Now you tin quickly meet if your lines overlap. You will find more relatives than ever earlier. 91. The new Advanced Sourcing features lets you assign sources to a group of individuals or marriages at ane fourth dimension. You can select the fields you want the sources to be applied to. This is an like shooting fish in a barrel way to go dorsum and certificate groups of records that came from the same source. 92. Many reports can now include a Location Index showing what pages each location is used. Because the alphabetize groups the locations together, y'all can easily run into all the family unit members that lived in the same places. 93. A new Relationship Estimator lets you come across every manner whatsoever two people are related. See if you lot married one of your cousins. Run into how many ways yous are related to your 5th not bad grandfather. People are often related in many ways to another person. Now you can run across them all! 94. The new Relationship Charts ties into the Human relationship Calculator and allows you to produce wonderful charts in color with pictures and fancy boxes to impress all who see them. 95. When doing Merges you tin can specify whatsoever pair of individuals as being Not Duplicates. Often times yous may have felt like you lot were wearing out the Skip To Next push button as you lot came upon pairs of individuals you knew were not duplicates but had similar names and information. At present yous can mark these pairs as Non Duplicates so they don't continually show up in subsequent merge sessions. 96. You can now Renumber RINs and MRINs. Yous can renumber specific individuals or marriages too as groups of records. If you e'er wanted to be #1 in your file, now information technology�s easy to exercise. 97. You can now Reuse Deleted RINs and MRINs when adding new records and importing. No more leaving empty holes within your family file when deleting or merging people. 98. You lot can select the color of boxes on Ancestor, Descendant and Pedigree Charts. This really makes the charts more bonny when printed on a color printer.
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